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22 октября 2024, вторник
Ключевые преимущества съемки мероприятий в формате Live
15 октября 2024, вторник
Виды звукового оборудования
Our top of the line TRx2000 Series™ contoured loudspeakers delivers superb, crystal clear performances up to 137 dB MaxSPL for concert venues. Designs incorporate the large 1.4-inch exit horn with high capacity woofers. Models include 12-inch coaxial monitor-mains, single 15-inch, dual 15-inch, 18-inch dual 18-inch and 21-inch subs.
- 1.4-inch exit horn drivers with 2.5-inch vc - most models
- High power woofers, high temp voice coils up to 4-inches
- Baltic Birch 13-ply hardwood with fly hardware
- DuraTec™ UV, water resistant coating
- Full-range or Biamp, Twist-Loc input & through connectors
- Powder coated steel grill with acoustical foam backing
- Speaker Guard™ protection for HF driver
- 5 year warranty
- American made in San Diego, CA.